Denis Parra, senior researcher at Cenia and professor at the Department of Computer Science of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, was invited to give a keynote last March in the first APEx-UI 2022 workshop, whose main topic focused on adaptive and personalized explainable user interfaces, which was held virtually and in conjunction with the ACM IUI 2022 Conference in Finland.

During the workshop Parra was invited to participate as a keynote speaker with the talk “From Transparency and Users’ Control in Recommender System Interfaces to Guidelines for Visual XAI”, where he presented the review of research available during the last 20 years on visual interfaces for recommender systems, comparing them with the latest research on visual interfaces for explainable AI (XAI) systems.
This review presents new ideas and questions for current and future work, such as the idea of an artificial intelligence being able to deliver different answers depending on the context of the user: “in the same way that you do not explain a physical phenomenon in the same level of detail to a high school student as you do to a physics student at university, you cannot expect Alexa or Google home to deliver suggestions in the same way to a child and an adult. Currently, AI explainability methods generate answers independent of the recipient. Using visualizations could help find different ways to tailor explanations,” explained Parra.
For the researcher, the importance of delivering a talk invited to a workshop at this conference “allows to make visible Cenia’s work that integrates human and technical aspects in the development of AI applications”.
In addition to this keynote, Denis Parra was a co-author of the article “Similarity-Based Explanations meet Matrix Factorization via Structure-Preserving Embeddings”, written in collaboration with researchers Leandro Balby Marinho and Júlio Barreto Guedes da Costa, from the Universidade Federal de Campina Grande in Brazil, investigating ways to improve personalized recommendations.
The ACM IUI Conference is held annually, and is dedicated to bringing together experts from different parts of the world to address issues on artificial intelligence and human-computer interaction.
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Keynotes. Denis Parra APEx-UI 2022