The 18th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (SIPAIM 2022) will be held from November 9 to 11, an event that takes place annually in different Latin American countries and that, on this occasion, will take place for the first time in Chile (Valparaiso). The event will be organized by Pamela Guevara, Cenia researcher, together with other national researchers and members of the International Society for the Processing and Analysis of Medical Information (SIPAIM).

The objective of this conference is to bring together researchers and students from all over Latin America and worldwide to communicate the results of their research, share their experiences and exchange ideas, in order to promote collaboration networks among the participants. The symposium will include keynote lectures by recognized experts on issues related to acquisition, digitization, visualization, processing, analysis and interpretation of medical information.
In this regard, SIPAIM has announced the opening of the Call for Papers, aimed at professionals from different disciplines, researchers and students. Pamela Guevara addresses the latter group, emphasizing that: “it will be a special opportunity for undergraduate and graduate students, who will be able to attend presentations by leading researchers in the area, in addition to presenting their work and exchanging ideas. It is very good for our students to see that they are not alone, that they belong to a large international community.”
Contributions accepted by the program committee will be presented in oral or poster sessions. The deadline for submission of contributions is Thursday, July 7, 2022.
For more information about the symposium visit: